Raunds – St. Peter.
Rebuilt upon an earlier Norman church the current building dates from about 1225 and is constructed from the local Limestone in the Early English style. The east window is c1275 with six lights, six quatrefoiled circles, and a large octofoiled circle in the head. The broached spire was rebuilt in 1826 after having being struck by lightning.
The tower is Early English and on its north side there are figures of a fiddler, and pipe and tabor player, whilst on the tower’s south side there is a figure playing a harp.
Above the chancel arch is a C15 painting (c1420) with two angels carrying the instruments of the passion. The Virgin Mary and St. John the Evangelist are on either side of the cross which was once a sculpture of the Crucifixion that has been lost.
On wall of the north aisle is a series of painting dating from between 1420-1450. The western most one is a depiction of the Seven Deadly Sins. This painting has Pride at the gates of Hell being speared by Death, and around her are dragons spewing forth the other sins.
The eastern section of the north aisle has a painting (c1420-1450) of “The three living and the three dead”. This was a popular story from the end of the C13 which originated in France. The story tells of three kings who out hunting come across three corpses who tell the kings that they are their ancestors, and berate them for a life of pleasure. The earliest recording of the story in England comes from Shropshire.
Between the painting of Pride and the Kings is a painting also from the same date of St. Christopher carrying the Christ child. The west wall above the archway leading to the tower has a painted clock face (c1390-1430) donated by local landowners John and Sarah Catlyn. An inscriptions asks for for prayers for their souls.
The north and south aisles have three windows by Francis Skeat dated between 1954 and 1981.
The baptismal font is C13 with a protruding rams head. In the chancel are two 18 in C15 brass memorials one to John Tawyer (d1470) and wife, the other to a lady (c1500).
The east window already described above contains stained glass by Kempe (c1907).
Tags: brass, kempe, medieval, peter, skeat, spire, stained glass, wall painting
[…] if you’re interested, and would like to see more, click here – it’s a fabulous website with excellent photographs of the wall paintings and the rest of the church – what a labour of […]