Life of Christ - Lady Chapel Evreux

walwyn Mon, 08/13/2012 - 21:58
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Life of Christ


This four light window (1467-1469) in the north wall of the Lady Chapel at Evreux Cathedral, depicting scenes from Life of Christ, was a gift to the cathedral by King Louis XI of France.


The top register of the window contains images of Christ and the Merchants in the Temple, the meal at the house of Simon the Pharisee, Mary Magdalene washing the feet of Jesus, and Jesus washing the feet of the disciples.1


Washing the Disciples Feet


The bottom register of the window contains scenes from the Garden of Gethsemen, soldiers falling to the ground when Jesus acknowledges who he is (John 18:6), the betrayal of Judas, and Jesus before the priest Caiaphas.2


Judas Betrayal, Before Caiaphas.