Stained Glass

Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac

walwyn Wed, 09/07/2011 - 20:05


This window in the St Anne Chapel, Malvern Priory, has twelve scenes depicting the Story of Noah and the Flood, and birth of Isaac. It is dated to between 1440-1450 and was probably the gift of Isabel Despenser and Richard de Beauchamp, 13th earl of Warwick.


The bottom register of the window shows four scenes from the story of Abraham, Sarah, and the birth of Isaac.

Adam and Eve and the Fall

walwyn Wed, 08/31/2011 - 21:10


This window in the St Anne Chapel, Malvern Priory, has twelve scenes depicting the Creation story and the Fall. It is dated to between 1440-1450 and was probably the gift of Isabel Despenser and Richard de Beauchamp, 13th earl of Warwick.


The middle register of the window illustrate the creation of Adam and Eve, the Forbidden Fruit, and the Fall.

All Saints - Ladbroke, Warwickshire

walwyn Sat, 03/27/2010 - 22:44

East window - Ladbroke Warwickshire




This Hardman, "Christ in Majesty" composition in the east window of All Saints, Ladbroke, Warwickshire has over 80 figures.






walwyn Mon, 09/21/2009 - 23:13



Comparision of two Annunciation windows, by the Julien Fournier Studio, dated 1885 and 1886 in Pontlevoy and Cheverny respectively.




Annunciation - Middleton Cheney

walwyn Tue, 09/28/2010 - 19:58


Placed above the lights depicting St. Mary, St. Elizabeth, and St. Anne, this Annunciation of 1880 is by William Morris.





Annunciation to the Shepherds - Worcester Cathedral

walwyn Wed, 08/15/2012 - 01:15



Situated in the south aisle this stained glass window (1877) by John Hardman depicts the Annunciation to the Shepherds.



Ascension, Descent into Hell

walwyn Thu, 09/01/2011 - 21:39


These panels from the 'Magnificat' window (1501) at Malvern Priory depict the Archangel Michael on the left. On the top right is Jesus ascent into Heaven, whilst the bottom right panel shows the damned descent into hell.


Beauvais - France

walwyn Sat, 07/30/2011 - 19:06

Some of the 16th century and earlier stained glass that can be found in Beauvais France. In particular the works of the le Prince family in Beauvais Cathedral and the parish church of St Ettiene.


Blue Virgin

walwyn Sun, 11/07/2010 - 19:44



Set into a 13th century window this image of the Virgin and Child (c1150) is made up of four panels. The blue halo and clothing of Mary are set against a red background.



