
'Wakeham' Cenotaph - Tewkesbury Abbey

walwyn Sun, 08/21/2011 - 12:36

Attributed to John Wakeham (d1549), the last abbot of Tewkesbury, the 'Wakeham' Cenotaph, actually mid fifteenth century and pre-dates the abbot by about 100 years. The effigy is a gisant as a decomposing corpse and the canopy was modelled on the throne of the House of Lords.

Abbot John Chambers - Peterborough Cathedral

walwyn Sun, 10/09/2011 - 19:10

Effigy of John Chambers (d1556) last abbot and first bishop of Peterborough. Described in the 17th century as being exquisitely carved, with a mitre and robe, and feet resting on a lion, this effigy was mutilated during the English Civil War.


Andrews Tomb, Church Charwelton - Northamptonshire

walwyn Sun, 10/18/2009 - 14:10


Tomb of Sir Thomas Andrews (d1564) and his two wives, Katherine and Mary.




Arthur Tudor Tomb and Chantry Chapel - Worcester cathedral

walwyn Sun, 06/26/2011 - 20:54

This chantry chapel to Arthur Tudor, covered in tracery and sculptures, was built in 1504. The chest tomb of the 15 year old Prince fills the chapel.




Ascension, Descent into Hell

walwyn Thu, 09/01/2011 - 21:39


These panels from the 'Magnificat' window (1501) at Malvern Priory depict the Archangel Michael on the left. On the top right is Jesus ascent into Heaven, whilst the bottom right panel shows the damned descent into hell.


Brass of Thomas Wylmer - Staverton, Northamptonshire

walwyn Fri, 01/01/2010 - 00:25




Standing monument with Ionic columns, metope frieze framing brass plate with priant figures.





Children and Monuments from the late medieval period to the 17th century.

walwyn Tue, 11/08/2011 - 19:46

Monuments or memorials to children in English churches were extremely rare until the late 18th and early 19th century. In the 16th century one can find the occassional child tomb amongst the aristocracy, such as that of the The Noble Impe at St Mary's Warwick, but otherwise children do not appear to have warranted memorials in their own right.

Coronation of the Virgin

walwyn Sun, 08/28/2011 - 10:39


This detail of the Magnificat window (1501) at Great Malvern Priory, spans three lights and represents the Coronation of the Virgin.


