Royal Portal - Chartres Cathedral
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Since its construction in around 1150, the western portal of Chartres Cathedral, decorated with elongated late Romanesque style figures of the Kings and Queens of the Old Testament has been known as the Royal Portal.1
The tympanum above the central portal, surrounded by the symbols of the four evangelists, Christ is enthroned within a mandorla at the Last Judgement. Below him in the lintel are the twelve apostles.
The tympanum above the right door shows Mary holding Christ on her knee, below this is the Presentation in the Temple, and below this are the Annunciation, the Visitation, the Nativity, and the Annunciation to the shepherds. In the lower right hand corner are figures of Pythagoras2 and Donatus.3 the lower left hand corner has a figure of Aristotle. 4
In the tympanum above the left door Christ is ascending, accompanied by angels. Signs of the zodiac and the labours of the months are in the archivolt, and 10 of the apostles are present in the lintel.
- 1. Sacred Destinations -
- 2. Monographie de la cathédrale de Chartres
- 3. Monographie de la cathédrale de Chartres
- 4. Monographie de la cathédrale de Chartres