This tomb, dedicated to Niccolò Machiavelli (d1527), was created by Spinazzi Innocenzo in 1787, and is in Santa Croce Florence.
Count Vittorio Alfier (d1803) was an Italian poet and dramatist who wrote some 19 tragedies between 1775-1787.
This tomb of Princess Louise of Stolberg-Gedern (d1824) is situated in San Croce Florence
Monument to Charlotte Elizabeth Digby (d1820) by Francis Leggatt Chantrey. Charlotte Digby was the wife of William Digby, prebendary of Worcester Cathedral.
Tomb of Dante Alighieri (d1321) by Ricci Stefano (c1825).
Tomb of the Italian engraver Raffaello Sanzio Morghen (d1833) in Santa Croce Florence.