
walwyn Mon, 06/01/2009 - 23:34

St. Giles - Chesterton St. Giles - Chesterton

The parish church of St Giles, Chesterton, is mostly of an early C14 Decorated style, with some remnants of an earlier C13 church. The church itself is in an isolated field some distance from the village, but near to the old Peytos mansion that was pulled down in 1802. Its isolation makes the inscription on the sundial strange, as there were hardly ever anyone around to loiter.

chesterton windmill - 03

Built in 1632 to a design attributed to either Indigo Jones or his pupil John Stone. The design of this windmill is unique both structurally and mechanically. It is a circular structure which consists of a high open ground floor with six pillars and raking round arches, and an upper floor. There is no staircase and access to the upper floor must have been by ladder.

The machinery was modified in 1860 and last used in 1910.

The Newport Tower (Rhode Island) is a similar construction and is thought to have been modelled on this windmill.

