Wall paintings at Ashby St. Ledgers

walwyn Tue, 08/04/2009 - 20:50
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Ashby St Ledgers - Northamptonshire

The parish church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Leodegarius at Ashby St Ledgers in Northamptonshire has a C14 - C15 Passion sequence painted above the chancel arch and on the side walls. The sequence was uncovered during restoration work in 1927 and is the most extensive cycle in the UK. The paintings are of a similar date to those at Burton Dassett about 20 miles away.


ashby st ledgers

ashby st ledgers


The west end of the church has a representation of Death who holds a spade and pick this is a C15 commemoration of the Black Death. The north wall has a large 15th century fresco of St. Christopher. Obscured behind the organ is a C14 fresco depicting the flagellation of St. Margaret.


Flagellation of St. Margaret.

Death hold pick and spade
