Battle of Hexham 1464

walwyn Mon, 04/02/2012 - 23:45
Sunday, May 15, 1464

20 days after the forces of Marguerite of Anjou were defeated at the Battle Hedgely Moor, a Lancastrian force of 500 led by Henry Beaufort, 3rd Earl of Somerset, was surprised by a Yorkist force of 5000 led by John Neville, Marquis of Montague, near the town of Hexham in Northumberland.

After a brief battle the Lancastrian force was routed and Henry Beaufort captured and executed. Following the defeat of Beaufort, John Neville was made Earl of Northumberland by Edward IV.

This defeat ended the Lancastrian hopes until 1469 when Richard Neville "the kingmaker" turned against Edward IV and defeated him at the Battle of Edgecote.