Naos - Edfu Temple, Egypt

walwyn Sun, 09/27/2015 - 12:01
Fri, 02/06/2009 - 08:11 - Inner sanctum. The solar bark would have held the image of Horus. The barge of Hathor at Denderah was transported down the Nile each year to Edfu so that Horus and hathor could be reunited.

Additionally the god would be carried in the barge to the roof of the temple once a year so that the sun could replenish the god's powers.

Ptolemaic temple of Edfu dedicated to the falcon god Horus. It was built between 237 BC and 57 BC.
link to flickr

Additionally the god would be carried in the barge to the roof of the temple once a year so that the sun could replenish the god's powers.