Themed images for Sermon-on-the-Mount.

Thu, 09/15/2016 - 11:48 - Feeding the 5000 - Monreale Palermo Sicily 15/09/2016
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This Byzantine style mosaic dipicting the feeding of the five thousand is dated to 1218, and can be found in the Cathedral of Monreale Sicily.


Tue, 09/29/2009 - 13:57 - Feeding the Five Thousand - by Hardman & Co. Tewkesbury Abbey 29/09/2009.
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This depiction of the "Feeding the 5000" was installed in 1888 in Tewkesbury Abbey by John Hardman and Company. The boy presents the loaves and fishes whilst St Andrew points to him, and St Philip stands on the right.

Tue, 08/25/2009 - 16:51 - 'Sermon on the Mount'. '. J Fournier, Tours 1890. 

Church of Saint-Pierre, Pontlevoy, France.
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This stained glass window depicting the "Sermon on the Mount" in Saint-Pierre, Pontlevoy, is dated 1890 by the Julien Fournier Studios of Tour.


Tue, 09/29/2009 - 13:44 - 'Sermon on the Mount'  - by Hardman & Co. Tewkesbury Abbey 29/09/2009.
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This depiction of the "Sermon on the Mount" was installed in 1892 in Tewkesbury Abbey by John Hardman and Company