
Search results

  1. Tomb of Thomas de Savoie - Amiens Cathedral

    ... Tomb of Thomas de Savoie (d1337) containing an effigy within a tomb recess, the ... included below.     Other Amiens Cathedral Tombs can be found here . Français ...

    walwyn - 12/19/2021 - 00:25

  2. Cardinal Jean de la Grange Effigy - Amiens Cathedral, France

    ... His flesh to remain in Avignon, his bones to be taken to Amiens Cathedral, and placed in a monument that he had commissioned in Paris.   He was made Bishop of Amiens in 1373, and later became a councillor to the French Pope Gregory XI, ... Gothic Effigy Sculpture Tomb ...

    walwyn - 12/18/2021 - 22:44

  3. Gérard de Conchy - Amiens Cathedral, France

    ... Monument to Gérard de Conchy (d1257). Bishop of Amiens from 1247-1257. The monument consists of an effigy wearing a Bishop's ... a canopy are on either side.     Other Amiens Cathedral Tombs can be found here . Français ... Gothic Effigy Sculpture Tomb ...

    walwyn - 12/19/2021 - 13:34

  4. Bishop Ferry de Beauvoir - Amiens, France

    ...   Tomb of Bishop Ferry de Beauvoir (d1473). Made in about 1490 his effigy lies in ... painted figures of the apostles behind him.   Other Amiens Cathedral Tombs can be found here . Français ...

    walwyn - 12/18/2021 - 23:15

  5. Canon Guilain Lucas Monument - Amiens Cathedral

    ... WWI. 1     1. ... Somme Baroque Sculpture Tomb ...

    walwyn - 12/17/2021 - 20:27

  6. Notre-Dame d'Amiens

    ...   The cathedral of Notre-Dame in Amiens was mostly constructed out of limestone, the relatively short timespan ... base.   Near by, and above the tomb of Cardinal Jean de la Grange (d1402) is the Weeping Angel by ...

    walwyn - 12/20/2021 - 15:33

  7. Notre-Dame d'Amiens

    ...   La cathédrale d'Amiens fut pour la plupart construite entre 1220 et 1236, ce qui explique ... la flèche s'élève à 112.7m du sol faisant d'Amiens la plus haute et plus la grande cathédrale de France,- la voûte de la ... Gothic Architecture Sculpture Tomb ...

    walwyn - 12/20/2021 - 18:55

  8. Effigie du Cardinal Jean de la Grange - Cathédrale d'Amiens, France

    ... et que ses os soient transportés dans la cathédrale d'Amiens et placés dans le monument qu'il avait fait commissioné à Paris.   Il devint évêque d'Amiens en 1373, et plus tard devint conseiller du pape français Grégoire XI, ... Gothic Effigy Sculpture Tomb ...

    walwyn - 12/20/2021 - 11:12

  9. Gérard de Conchy cathedrale d'Amiens, France

    ... Monument à Gérard de Conchy (mort en1257). évêque d' Amiens de 1247 à 1257. Le monument consiste d'une effigie portant la mitre ... Gothic Effigy Sculpture Tomb ...

    walwyn - 12/19/2021 - 19:16

  10. Évèque Ferry de Beauvoir - Amiens, France

    ... Gothic Effigy Sculpture Tomb ...

    walwyn - 12/20/2021 - 11:21
