Themed images for Simeon.

mer, 04/27/2011 - 13:09 - Reims Cathedral, France 27/04/2011
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Early gothic statue of Simeon (1220) holding the Christ child, part of the right hand portal of Reims Cathedral.

mer, 04/27/2011 - 13:22 - Reims Cathedral, France 27/04/2011
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This scene on the central portal of Rheims Cathedral depict the Presentation in the Temple, with the Virgin Mary and Simeon as the central figures (1235). The two outer figures of Joseph and a servant girl, were later additions after 1250.


mer, 04/27/2011 - 13:24 - Reims Cathedral, France 27/04/2011
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Simeon, detail from the "Presentation in the Temple" scene on the central portal of Reims Cathedral.

lun, 09/07/2015 - 09:27 - Presentation in the Temple - Fra Angelico, San Marco Florence, Italy
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This fresco depicting the Simeon is by Fra Angelico and is in the Dominican monastery of San Marco, Florence.


sam, 06/18/2011 - 15:25 - Clerestory stained glass. Gloucester Cathedral 18/06/2011
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These four Victorian stained glass panels, by Clayton and Bell, are in the quire clerestory of Gloucester cathedral. The panels show three of the relations of Jesus: Zechariah and St Elizabeth the father and mother of John the Baptist, and Simeon.

sam, 05/21/2011 - 13:02 - Burlison & Grylls stained glass. Worcester Cathedral, Worcestershire 21/05/2011
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Stained glass panel depicting Simeon by Burlison and Grylls (1892) in a south window of the Lady Chapel Worcester Cathedral.

sam, 11/29/2008 - 14:19 - Detail memorial window. 'Presentation of Christ' - Messrs Clayton and Bell.

All Saints parish church Swinford Leicestershire 29/11/2008.
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These stained glass panels depict the "Presentation in the Temple", in All Saints church Swinford, are by Clayton and Bell.