Themed images for Saint-Denis.

mer, 04/27/2011 - 13:27 - Reims Cathedral, France 27/04/2011
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The central statue flanked by two angels is thought to represent St Denis. The saint is dated to about 1235, whilst the two angels date from about 1252.


ven, 04/29/2011 - 15:48 - Reliquary of St Taurin. Evreux 29/04/2011
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This detail from a 13th century reliquary shows Pope Clement baptising Taurin with St Denis.

ven, 04/29/2011 - 13:54 - Stained glass. Evreux Cathedral France 29/04/2011
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This stained glass window in the choir clerestory at Evreux Cathedral was installed in the last decade of the 14th century. A gift of King Charles VI of France, who is seen kneeling in the centre panel, the window also contains images of the Virgin Mary, and that of St Denis.