Themed images for Pope.

ven, 04/29/2011 - 15:48 - Reliquary of St Taurin. Evreux 29/04/2011
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This detail from a 13th century reliquary shows Pope Clement baptising Taurin with St Denis.

ven, 04/29/2011 - 15:28 - Taurin Baptised by St Clement. Evreux 29/04/2011
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Taurin is baptised by Pope Clement in Rome. 15th century stained glass in the church of Saint-Taurin, Evreux.

jeu, 04/28/2011 - 14:36 - St Francis and Pope Honorius III. Orleans Cathedral France 28/04/20/11
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This stained glass panel depicts Pope Honorius III giving St Francis of Assisi permission to start a monastic order. The panel is the work of Lucien Lobin (c1861).

lun, 07/12/2010 - 09:59 - Stained glass. St. Godard Rouen France 12/07/2010.
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Pope Pius IX proclaiming the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Mary. Detail of stained glass in Saint-Godard, Rouen.

lun, 12/21/2009 - 14:48 - Church of St Paul built above grotto where St Paul spent his time when he was shipwrecked on the Island. Rabat, Mdina, Malta 21/12/2009.
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This fresco of St Gregory the Great is by the Maltese painter Giuseppe Cali. It is part of the decoration below the main dome in the church.