Themed images for Jesus-Amongst-the-Doctors.

sam, 09/04/2010 - 15:24 - C13 Jesus amongst the Doctors above west doorway. Higham Ferrers, Northamptonshire,  04/09/2010.
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13th century carving above the west door of the church of St Mary, Higham Ferrers, depicting Jesus debating with the elders in the temple.


dim, 10/26/2008 - 16:04 - Detail west memorial window All Saints parish church. Braunston, Northamptonshire 26/10/2008
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This scene of "Jesus Amongst the Doctors" is part of the west window at All Saints Braunston.

sam, 03/21/2009 - 16:18 - All Saints parish church. Middleton Cheney, Northamptonshire 21/03/2009.

The two north chancel windows were designed by Burne-Jones as a memorial to his friend W.C. Buckley who was the vicar.
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Panel from the W.C. Buckley memorial window by Edward Burne-Jones depicting "Jesus amongst the Doctors".