Themed images for Cain-and-Abel.

jeu, 09/15/2016 - 14:29 - Cain Kills Abel (c1218) - Monreale Palermo Sicily 15/09/2016
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The mosaic on the north wall of the cathedral of Monreale depicts the killing of Abel by Cain. T The mosaics are based on the Byzantian style and created in about 1218 by Moorish artists, as part of a sequence of images that begin with the creation myth, tempation and expulsion from Eden, and the events leading to the killing of Abel.

mar, 08/19/2014 - 10:53 - Spandrel carving of central portal - Bourges Cathedral France 19/08/2014
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Decorated between1240-1260 the sculpure depicts Cain killing Abel. The sculpture forms part of the story of Adam and Eve and their sons in the spandrels of the West facade of Bourges Cathedral.

ven, 04/22/2016 - 13:52 - Cain and Abel Make Offerings North Portal Quatrefoil - Rouen Cathedral 22/04/2016
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Quaterefoil sculpture of Cain and Abel making a sacrifice to God. Created between 1278-1300 this is part of the north porch of Rouen Cathedral known as the Portail des Libraires.


mar, 09/04/2012 - 14:45 - Medieval stained glass. Tours Cathedral, France 04/09/2012
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The panels in the window form part of the Creation window in the Tours cathedral clerestory. The bottom left panel shows Cain killing Abel, to the right Adam is mourning for his son. Above these panels is the construction of the first town Henocchia, and the death of Cain, killed by his son Lamech whilst hunting.

sam, 03/21/2009 - 16:15 - All Saints parish church. Middleton Cheney, Northamptonshire 21/03/2009.

The south window of the chancel contains panels by Ford Madox Brown depicting scenes from the old testament.
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South chancel windows depicting Cain and Abel by Ford Maddox Brown, Middleton Cheney, Northamptonshire.