

walwyn Mon, 07/05/2010 - 23:10

A tribe of hoverflies that resemble the Syrphini except that they have a black scutellum instead of the yellow scutellum of the Syrphini tribe.


walwyn Sun, 04/05/2009 - 01:33

A large tribe of hoverflies, family Syrphidae, in the order Diptera. The tribe has two types of body shape 'wasp-like' and 'bee-like' . The genus is most easily recognised by the strong loop in the wing vein R4+5.


Loop in r4+5 vein in Eristalini genus hoverfly


NOTE: In the wasp like species in the genus Helophilus, Parhelophilus, Anasimyia, and Lejops the eyes of the males do not meet.


walwyn Tue, 09/01/2020 - 11:12



Ferdinandea is a genus of hoverflies in the family Syrphidae.


walwyn Sun, 05/08/2011 - 18:06


This is a large genus of bee mimicking hoverflies. There are about 50 European species mostly centred in the Mediterranean region. However, the variable Narcissus-fly (Merodon equestris) is the only species resident in Britain.

Merodon equestris

walwyn Sun, 05/31/2020 - 23:06

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Diptera
Family: Syrphidae
Genus: Xylota
Species: M. equestris


walwyn Sat, 07/03/2010 - 19:24

This is a tribe of small to medium sized black hoverflies with usually a pair of spots on tergite 2, and very ocassionally on tergite 3. Also the face is flat and is coverered in long downwards facing hairs.
Separation into genre depends on wing venation.


walwyn Tue, 04/07/2009 - 13:59


Flies in the family Syrphidae. They are often seen hovering or sipping nectar at flowers; the adults of many species feed mainly on nectar and pollen, while the larvae eat a wide range of foods.




walwyn Wed, 04/15/2009 - 16:26


This tribe is easily recognized by the yellow scutellum. They are medium sized hoverflies with wasp like markings. The larvae feed on aphids.




walwyn Tue, 04/28/2009 - 18:15


Large hoverflies that mimic bumblebees, or are brightly coloured to mimic hornets and wasps.


