Posts Tagged ‘effigy’

Exterior view of St Luke Cold Higham Tomb recess

St Luke’s church at Cold Higham is a C13 building with a Norman saddleback roof tower. Currently on the “Heritage At Risk Register” which states that “structural movement to the east end has occurred leaving the masonry vulnerable to water ingress and there is erosion of all ironstone; this is a particular concern at high level on the tower.” On the outside wall on the south side of of the chancel is a C14 tomb recess.

C17 headstone C17 headstone

The church yard contains a number of C17 and C18 grave stones.

Curvilinear window Leper's squint Interior

The three light curvilinear east window dates from the early C14, and the south wall has a leper squint into the south chapel, which is now blocked by the tomb monument to Sir John de Patteshall (d1349). See also Radstone. The nave is of 4 bays.

Patteshall effigyPatteshall effigy head

The tomb consists of an effigy of a cross legged knight made from oak, with the knights feet resting on a lion.

Matha stained glass Matthew and Mark stained glass

There are two windows containing victorian stained glass a 1-light window of Matha and Mary with Jesus, and a 2-light window depicing Mattew and Mark.

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St Leonard church Aston Le Walls, Northamptonshire St Leonard church Aston Le Walls, Northamptonshire

The church of St. Leonard at Aston le Walls is mostly early C14. The base of the tower is C12/C13, as are the two south aisle windows to the right of the porch which are also early C13. The porch itself is C14 and was restored along with the rest of the church in 1870 and 1881/2 by J.M. Townsend.

Effigy of priest Aston le Walls Alban Butler Brass Aston Le Walls, Northamptonshire

The north wall of the chancel contains an C14 stone effigy of a priest, which is thought to be John de Ardele who was the priest of this church in 1348. There is also a Tudor style brass monument dedicated to Alban Butler (d1609) on the north wall.

Romanesque font Aston Le Walls, Northamptonshire Romanesque font Aston Le Walls

The square stone font is Romanesque and carved with a knot pattern and the Tree of Life.

St Leonard church Aston Le Walls, Northamptonshire Monument to Elizabeth Orme.

At the est of the north aisle is an inscribed tablet of white marble with black Ionic half columns, and bust on top, dedicated to Elizabeth Orme (d1692).

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Old Arley – St. Wilfred

   Posted by: churches    in North Warwickshire District, Warwickshire

St. Wilfred - Old Arley, parish church warwickshire St. Wilfred - Old Arley

Mostly built of red sandstone, this C14 church is in the decorated style, including the tower, nave and chancel. The remains of part of the north wall of the nave maybe C12 – C13.

Foot marks in roof lead 25 letter alphabet c1780

Recently the old lead on the roof was discovered to have a number of inscribed footprints, numbered, initialed and dated 1782, and a old alphabet of 25 letters.

Mid C14 effigy of priest Mid C14 effigy of priest

In the north wall of the chancel is a mid C14 effigy of a priest dressed in Mass vestment, with angels at his head, and a dog at his feet. Probably the rector at the time that the chancel was built.

Stained glass by Burlison Grylls saint Wilfred Detail east window. St. Wilfred. Old Arley

The three light east window with cusped heads surmounted by trefoils. The stained glass in this window is by Burlison & Grylls the bottom left panel depicts St. Wilfred holding a model of the church.

Early C14 stained glass Early C14 stained glass Early C14 stained glass

The north west chancel window has fragments of early C14 glass figures, including that of a tonsured monk, and a lady.

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Radway – St. Peter.

   Posted by: churches    in Stratford-upon-Avon District, Warwickshire

St. Peter - Radway radway

Built from Hornton stone in 1866 by C. Buckeridge with a west tower and broached spire. The present church of St. Peter replaces a small medieval church that was located at the other end of the village.

No records remain as to when the earlier church was built, it was certainly after 1086 as there is no record of it in the Doomsday Book. However, when it was demolished in 1865 a Norman piscina was discovered in its foundations.

A number of monuments and pieces of glass were moved from the old church to the new. Including the effigy of Captain Henry

Monument to Captain Kingsmill Effigy of priest c1450

Kingsmill, who was killed at Edgehill on Sunday, 23 October 1642. This was the first pitch battle of the English Civil War. The inscription is on an adjacent slate slab, noting that the monument was erected by his mother Lady Bridgett in 1670.

In the north wall of the chancel is an effigy a headless priest (c1450), wearing the vestments for saying mass, his feet resting on a dog.

Merciless Servant
Merciless Servant

The east window of the south aisle has four C17 Dutch panels two of which tell the story of the merciless servant (Matthew, chapter 18). The first panel shows him throttling the debtor that owed him 100 pence, the second panel shows him being carried off to prison.

radway 28
radway 31

Another panel depicts a king with his retainers and before him a bound, half-naked prisoner, the inscription ios of no help in deciphering this ‘Adam and Eva ware begiled off the serpent’.

The last panel is two archers, one shooting, the other receiving a cake from a serving man at the door of a kitchen in the background. The inscription here reads ‘The Samaritā set him on his hors and brought him to an inn’.

All of these panels are reputed to have come from a Dorset farm house and were given to Sanderson Miller who originally intended for them to be placed in the octagonal tower at the top of Edgehill.

Stained glass by William Nichol - Radway Annunciation Sower

The north aisle contains some contemporary stained glass work, one by William Nichol dedicated to Major Richard Corfield (2004). The other is an ‘Annunciation’ and dedicated to Victor Gibbins (1995). The south aisle has glass depicting the ‘sower’.

Sower detail - radway East window - radway

The east window has a representation of the ”Ascension’.

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Yelvertoft – All Saints.

   Posted by: churches    in Daventry District, Northamptonshire

All Saints - Yelvertoft

13th century parish church in the Perpendicular Gothic style.

Sedilla, All Saints - Yelvertoft Alabaster effigy, All Saints - Yelvertoft

The sedilia to south of chancel has nodding ogee arches, and was retained from earlier times when the chancel was remodeled in the C19. The alabaster effigy on the low tomb chest is decorated with quatrefoils in the perpendicular style. Its the monument to John Dycson, rector from 1439 to 1445.

, All Saints - Yelvertoft All Saints - Yelvertoft

The bench ends are probably C15 with Gothic tracery.

East window, All Saints - Yelvertoft Window, All Saints - Yelvertoft Window, All Saints - Yelvertoft

Window, All Saints - Yelvertoft

Perpendicular style decoration around north chancel window.

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