Archive for the ‘South Northamptonshire District’ Category


Plumpton – St John the Baptist

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Exterior view of St John the Baptist at PlumptonPriest door

No longer in use, the church of St John the Baptist at Plumpton, was almost completely rebuilt in 1822 by the landown Jesus College Oxford.

Interior view of St John the Baptist at PlumptonInterior view of St John the Baptist at Plumpton

The simple Georgian interior retains a number of the features of the original building including the box pews, benches and commandment boards.

FontPainted stencil workMonument

The font is mid C17, and the chancel retains the original painted stencil work of stars and sun among painted architectural columns. The south arcade east wall has a marble tablet to the memory of Anne Moore (d1683).


Cold Higham – St. Luke

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Exterior view of St Luke Cold Higham Tomb recess

St Luke’s church at Cold Higham is a C13 building with a Norman saddleback roof tower. Currently on the “Heritage At Risk Register” which states that “structural movement to the east end has occurred leaving the masonry vulnerable to water ingress and there is erosion of all ironstone; this is a particular concern at high level on the tower.” On the outside wall on the south side of of the chancel is a C14 tomb recess.

C17 headstone C17 headstone

The church yard contains a number of C17 and C18 grave stones.

Curvilinear window Leper's squint Interior

The three light curvilinear east window dates from the early C14, and the south wall has a leper squint into the south chapel, which is now blocked by the tomb monument to Sir John de Patteshall (d1349). See also Radstone. The nave is of 4 bays.

Patteshall effigyPatteshall effigy head

The tomb consists of an effigy of a cross legged knight made from oak, with the knights feet resting on a lion.

Matha stained glass Matthew and Mark stained glass

There are two windows containing victorian stained glass a 1-light window of Matha and Mary with Jesus, and a 2-light window depicing Mattew and Mark.


Aston le Walls – St. Leonard

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St Leonard church Aston Le Walls, Northamptonshire St Leonard church Aston Le Walls, Northamptonshire

The church of St. Leonard at Aston le Walls is mostly early C14. The base of the tower is C12/C13, as are the two south aisle windows to the right of the porch which are also early C13. The porch itself is C14 and was restored along with the rest of the church in 1870 and 1881/2 by J.M. Townsend.

Effigy of priest Aston le Walls Alban Butler Brass Aston Le Walls, Northamptonshire

The north wall of the chancel contains an C14 stone effigy of a priest, which is thought to be John de Ardele who was the priest of this church in 1348. There is also a Tudor style brass monument dedicated to Alban Butler (d1609) on the north wall.

Romanesque font Aston Le Walls, Northamptonshire Romanesque font Aston Le Walls

The square stone font is Romanesque and carved with a knot pattern and the Tree of Life.

St Leonard church Aston Le Walls, Northamptonshire Monument to Elizabeth Orme.

At the est of the north aisle is an inscribed tablet of white marble with black Ionic half columns, and bust on top, dedicated to Elizabeth Orme (d1692).

St John the Baptist - Upper Boddington St John the Baptist - Upper Boddington

St. John the Baptist is built of Limestone and Shale and dates from the C13 and C14, with the addition of a C17 porch. The chancel arch is double chamfered chancel arch and 4 bayed nave.

St John the Baptist - Upper Boddington St John the Baptist - Upper Boddington Corbel head - Upper Boddington

The west tower and door are C14 as are the corbel heads in the nave roof.

St John the Baptist detail St John the Baptist St John the Baptist detail

North aisle stained glass featuring decapitation of John the Baptist.

East window - Upper Boddington East window - Upper Boddington

East window.

All Saints - Middleton Cheney All Saints - Middleton Cheney Gothic tomb. All Saints - Middleton Cheney

The west tower is around 150ft high. The south doorway is original of c1300, and most of the windows are of the Geometrical Gothic style of the same period, but they were renewed by Sir George Gilbert Scott in 1865.

Perpendicular head corbel. All Saints - Middleton Cheney Painted roof. All Saints - Middleton Cheney Perpendicular head corbel. All Saints - Middleton Cheney

The painted roof has Perpendicular style head corbels.

Perpendicular style font. All Saints - Middleton Cheney Perpendicular style pulpit. All Saints - Middleton Cheney Perpendicular style pulpit. All Saints - Middleton Cheney

The Perpendicular style is also relected in the font and pulpit. However, the body of the church is in the Decorative Gothic style dating from 1325-1335.

Three young men in the fiery furnace - Burne-Jones Morris & Co. stained glass - All Saints - Middleton Cheney

However, what makes Middleton Cheney is the stained glass work by Morris & co. The west window has a piece entitled “Three young men in the fiery furnace” by Burne-Jones.

East window memorial to William Croome - All Saints - Middleton Cheney East window memorial to William Croome - All Saints - Middleton Cheney

The East window memorial to William Croome (d1865). Designed by William Morris Co 1864.The figures below the tracery lights represents the twelve tribes of the Apolcalypse. Below are representations off Adam, Noah, David, Isiah, St Peter, St. Paul, St Augustine, St Catherine, Abraham, Moses, Eve, the Virgin, Magdalene, and St. Agnes.

The Censing Angels, Seraph, St. Peter, St. Augustine, St. Catherine, Eve, the Virgin, Magdalene, and St. Agnes are by William Morris. The four beasts, and the banners are by Philip Webb. The Adoration of the Lamb and St Alban are by Burne-Jones. St. John and St. Paul by Ford Madox Brown. The twelve tribes, David, Isiah, Abraham, and Moses by Simeon Solomon.

South chancel window - All Saints - Middleton Cheney South chancel window - All Saints - Middleton Cheney South chancel window - All Saints - Middleton Cheney

The south window of the chancel contains panels by Ford Madox Brown depicting scenes from the old testament. The tracery light is by Philip Webb.

North chancel window - All Saints - Middleton Cheney North chancel window - All Saints - Middleton Cheney North chancel window - All Saints - Middleton Cheney

North chancel window - All Saints - Middleton Cheney North chancel window - All Saints - Middleton Cheney North chancel window - All Saints - Middleton Cheney

The two north chancel windows were designed by Burne-Jones as a memorial to his friend W.C. Buckley who was the vicar.

Mosaic. All Saints - Middleton Cheney Mosaic. All Saints - Middleton Cheney

In addition to the stained glass the church also contains mosaics by the company of James Powell & sons.