Themed images for Tympanum.

mar, 04/06/2010 - 10:53 - Royal portal Last Judgement. Chartres Cathedral. 06/04/2010.
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This tympanum (c1150) at Chartres Cathedral depicts Christ enthroned within a mandorla at the Last Judgement. Below him in the lintel are the twelve apostles.

sam, 08/23/2014 - 08:34 - Tympanum Poitiers Cathedral - Poitiers, France, 23/08/2014
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This tympanum (c1250) is dedicated to the life of Saint Thomas. A rare subject for a tympanum it is located above the right portal of the Cathedral of Poitiers.

sam, 08/16/2014 - 12:21 - Marmousets Portal - Saint Ouen Rouen France 16/08/2016
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Constructed in around 1430, by Alexandre de Berneval, this sculpture dedicated to the Virgin is part of the tympanum above the Marmousets Portal, at Saint-Ouen in Rouen.