Themed images for Saint-Stephen.

jeu, 09/06/2012 - 12:50 - Portal of St stephen - Bourges cathedral 06/09/2012
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The western facade of Bourges cathedral contains four portals, one for each aisle and a central entrance to the nave. The portal to the right of the main central entrance is dedicated to St Stephen and shows scenes of his life and martyrdom. In this scene he is being made a deacon of the early church by two of the Apostles.

sam, 04/23/2011 - 13:59 - Stained glass. St Etienne Beauvais France 23/04/2011
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French Renaissance stained glass from the le Prince workshop, on the subject of the stoning of St Stephen.

sam, 04/23/2011 - 13:19 - Pieta. St Etienne Beauvais France 23/04/2011
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This 15th century Pieta by Jean le Pot is in Saint-Etienne Beauvais.

St John is on the right of the Virgin Mary whilst St Stephen on the left presents the small figure of a canon who was the donor of the sculpture.

sam, 08/16/2014 - 09:08 - Mid 16C stained glass showing the 'Stoning of St Steven' and the 'Beheading of St Catherine' - St Ouen, Rouen France 16/08/2014
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These three mid 16C stained glass panels depict the "Stoning of St Steven" in the left and central panel, and the "Beheading of St Catherine" in the rightmost one. Originally in St Goddard in Rouen they were moved to St Ouen in 1980.

dim, 09/27/2009 - 13:49 - Detail of east window - middle middle panel.  Hardman's of Birmingham.

All Saints, Ladbroke, Warwickshire 29/09/2009.
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Consisting of St Sebastian, St Lawrence, and St Stephen, this image of saints is part of the east window at Ladbroke, Warwickshire, by Hardman and Co.


dim, 02/06/2011 - 12:14 - John Hardman stained glass. Church of St Joseph. Avon Dassett, Warwickshire 06/02/2011.
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This early John Hardman window of St Stephen is in the Lady Chapel of St Joseph church Avon Dasset.