Themed images for Saint-Jerome.

mer, 08/26/2009 - 09:14 - Statue of Saint Jerome.  Church of St. Blaise. Chatillon sur Cher, France 26/08/2009.
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An 11th century statue of Saint Jerome.  Church of St. Blaise. Chatillon sur Cher.

sam, 08/16/2014 - 09:08 - 1325-39 stained glass depicting St Jerome - St Ouen, Rouen France 16/08/2014
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Medieval stained glass (1325-1339) depicting Saint Jerome in the clerestory windows of Saint Ouen, Rouen, France.

lun, 09/07/2015 - 08:49 - St Jerome - Detail from Crucifixion fresco by Fra Angelico
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Detail from Crucifixion fresco by Fra Angelico in the Dominican monastery of San Marco, Florence. This image is a depiction of St Jerome.

ven, 04/29/2011 - 11:23 - Stained glass. Evreux Cathedral France 29/04/2011
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Detail of St Jerome one of the lancet windows (1490-1515)  in the north transept of Evreux Cathedral.

lun, 12/21/2009 - 14:49 - Church of St Paul built above grotto where St Paul spent his time when he was shipwrecked on the Island. Rabat, Mdina, Malta 21/12/2009.
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This fresco of St Jerome is by the Maltese painter Giuseppe Cali. It is part of the decoration below the main dome in the church.